Paul Harris Fellowship

Paul Harris Fellowship


Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary and the "Paul Harris Fellowship" was established in part to perpetuate the memory of his name. Donors of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, or the Humanitarian Grants Program, or people who have that amount contributed in their name, can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Each new Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate and a pin.

  • Points for donations (1 point for each $1) may be made for self or for others.
  • Club is informed by RI of recipients in late November and the certificates and pins are sent to the President.
  • Normally presented at the Rotary Club of Truro Charter Night.

Recipients of Paul Harris Fellowship

 Awardee  Awardee
 Helen Becker (2024)  R. Lorne MacDougall (1987)
 Esther Bejarano (2023)  David MacNaughton (1986)
 Richard Bowness (2003)+6  Ken MacLean (2010)
 Ernest Bradley (2008)+5  Robert MacLellan (1998)
 Lorna Bradley (2007)  Rod MacLennan (1993)
 Marilyn Brown (2010)  Chester MacPhee (2011)
 James Cameron (1992)  Charles MacQuarrie (1995)
 Lloyd Coady (2001)  Ryland Marshall (1993)
 H. Garth Coffin (2009)+1  Brian Matthews (2006) +4
 Douglas Carter (2000)  Lorne McSween (1979)
 Sharon Corcoran (2010)+4  David Mills (2007)+5
 John Coupar (1990)  Leslie Mosher (1993) +3
 Joanna Christianson (2007)  Walter Mosher (1979)
 Richard Cox (1993)  John Murphy (1978)
 Elmer Doyle (1985)   Judy Nicholson (2011)+2
 Ken Eisner (2011)  Lorne Nicholson (1995)
 John Glassey (1985)  Eric Pauley (1979)
 Wayne Gillis (2008)+2  Terry Pook (2011)+1
 Barbara Goit (2006)+2  Kevin Quinlan (2013)+2
 James Goit (2011)+4  Stuart Rath  (2002)
 Bernie Goodman (1972)  Walter Redden (1998)
 Jim Gould (2014)+2  Stuart Reid (1986)
 Jane Gourley Davis (2021)+2  Alden Roberts (1996)
 Arnold Hagen (2010)  John Short (1993)
 Donald Hay (1988)  D. Brenton Smith (1990)
 William Hay (2000)  Lydia Sorflaten (2019)
 Charles Hill (1997)+9  C.H. Sproule (1992)
 Bart Hinze (2010)  Tom Stanfield (2001)
 Alana Hirtle (2021)+1  Mike Topley (2010)
 Alton Hollis (2000)  Leslie Topshee (1986)
 Terrence Honey (1996)  Terry Pook (2011)+1
 Matthew Hunter (2019)+1  C Leroy Trites (1986)
 Rick Johnson (2003)  Clyde Weldin (1997)
 R H Jones (1988)  Ambri White (1991)
 Rod Jones (2010) +8  J. Robert Winters (1995)
 Ted Jordan (2014)  Adam Wyllie (2012)+1
 Grant Langford (2002)  
 Marjorie Lewis (1977)  
 Herb MacRae (1989)  
 Alex MacCalder (1986)  
 Ed MacDonald (2008)  
 Ken MacDonald (2011)  